Chafing Dishes
We have 3 available for your club to book. They are free to use. However we do require a cash deposit be left that will be returned to you when you return the chaffing dish in good condition.
Fuel available to purchase
Liquid Chafing Fuel 2 Hour Cannisters available to purchase at time of pick up.
Hot or Cold Food
The stainless steel material holds its heat really well so your food is kept hot or use ice and water instead of fuel to keep food cold.
- Stand
- Water pan
- Tray
- Lid
- 2 canister holders.
- Instruction Manual and Safety Data sheet.
Product features
- Capacity 9 Litres
- Material Stainless Steel
- Weight 4.1kg
- Twin burners provide consistent and even heat distribution (optional)
- Food Tray Dimensions: 6(H) x 29(W) x 50(L) cm
Helpful Hints
Use disposable foil trays in smaller sizes to utilise the space and present different foods within the same chaffing dish.
Disposable Foil trays vary in depth. Look for 6.5cm for maximum volume.
From Bunnings - Disposable foil trays 6.5(H) x 26.4(W) x 32.4(L) cm - this size fits 2 very neatly in the unit.
What does it cost:
Deposit $65.00 (each dish, fully refundable)
Fuel Canisters (lasts for 2 Hour) $2.50 each. (2 required for each dish)
How to book: email to secure your date. First in best dressed. You must pick up and return to Seven Hills.